Home and Workplace Ergonomics
Do your home or work duties cause pain that prevents you from performing at your best? If so, poor ergonomics may be the cause. Our ergonomics program will identity the causes of your pain and correct the issues, so you can enjoy a healthier, more productive day.
The benefits of proper ergonomics in the home and workplace are undeniable. Despite this, poor ergonomics are often ignored because individuals or employers feel it will be too expensive to address and too time consuming to implement. The reality is you can’t afford not to address ergonomics. As an individual, proper ergonomics means a pain-free work day, resulting in improved productivity and a happier you. As an employer, proper ergonomics means a more engaged, productive workforce which results in cost savings and a healthier bottom line.
Our ergonomics program was designed as a cost-effective solution for individuals and small businesses (up to 25 employees) wanting to address poor workplace ergonomics. Even if your time is limited and your budget is small, our services can help you or your employees realize the benefits of a healthy home or workplace.
Whether working on a factory line, at a desk, or as a stay-at-home parent, poor ergonomics can lead to injury and even chronic pain conditions. Our ergonomics program aims to alleviate any current postural and repetitive stress injuries, while significantly reducing your risk of developing future ones. The program begins with an onsite evaluation of your home or workplace to identify problematic ergonomics. Following the evaluation, you will be given a detailed written report outlining the changes we feel are necessary to promote a healthy home or work environment.
Our recommendations will vary greatly depending on your unique job. Typical recommendations include altering the way a task is performed, or adjusting your body mechanics to reduce stress on vulnerable soft tissues and joints. We may also rearrange your workspace to promote proper body mechanics and posture, as well as recommend changes in the equipment/devices you use to further improve your ergonomics.
Additional services include: (1) assisting you in implementing the recommended changes, (2) following up to ensure no further adjustments are needed, and (3) developing a custom stretching and strengthening program to keep vulnerable soft tissues and joints healthy and capable of withstanding the stressors of your daily job.
Basic Package
Our basic package consists of an onsite evaluation of your home or workspace, and
a comprehensive report detailing the recommended changes to improve the ergonomics of your job.
Full Package
Our full package consists of the basic package, plus assistance with implementing the recommended changes, and a custom stretching and strengthening program designed to keep vulnerable soft tissues and joints healthy. We will also perform a follow-up visit to make sure no additional changes need to be made.
Many small businesses cite the perceived cost as a primary reason for failing to address poor ergonomics in the workplace. Employers also feel it is too time consuming to implement, and are concerned their employees will not be compliant with the ergonomic interventions. Although these may seem like valid concerns, the reality is ergonomic improvements are actually cost saving, require little time to implement, and are not only welcomed by the employees, but are actually perceived as a sign that their employer cares about them.
The benefits of proper ergonomics are countless for a small business. They include: (1) improved employee morale and satisfaction, which is critical in retaining valued employees, (2) increased productivity by decreasing the fatigue and discomfort that accompanies most repetitive jobs, (3) reduced absenteeism, which keeps your business running efficiently, and (4) reduced worker’s compensation claims, which save the company money. Collectively, these benefit result in a happier workforce and a healthier bottom line!
It costs too much:
Ergonomic interventions in the long run will save your company money, and upfront costs do not have to be prohibitive. Often, small changes such as altering the way a task is performed or changing the position of a computer monitor are all that’s needed to have a significant impact on the health of your employees. Changes like these require no capital investment other than the consulting fees. When physical changes need to be made to equipment or a work space, the changes can often be retrofitted to reduce costs. In addition, ergonomic changes can be made over time to spread out the financial responsibility.
It's too time consuming:
Developing and implementing an ergonomics program is only as time consuming as you want it to be. We will do most of the heavy lifting for you so you can focus your time on running the business. With that being said, as a general rule of thumb you can plan on investing about an hour of time for each employee. If you have 20 employees, then you should budget a total of 20 hours toward the design and implementation of the ergonomics program. Remember, no matter how much time you end up investing, the return will be manifold through a more efficient, happy workforce.
Employees won't be compliant with the changes:
Although you may believe your employees will be resistant to change, the reality is they will welcome changes that result in a healthier and therefore happier workplace. In addition, we will make sure your employees are personally invested in the ergonomic changes you implement by including them in the process. We will interview employees to help identify problematic ergonomics, educate them on how proposed changes will decrease work related pain and injury, and request their feedback during the implementation phase. By keeping them involved in the process, and educating them along the way, your employees will quickly adopt the ergonomic changes and perceive them as your investment in their health and wellness.
The company can't afford the down time:
Implementing an ergonomics program will result in some down time on the front end. However, the temporary lost in productivity will be recovered quickly by an increase in post-implementation productivity, decreased absenteeism, reduced turnover, and a happier, more engaged workforce. You will also likely see an immediate reduction in worker's compensation costs, and a decrease in workmanship errors. The research on workplace ergonomics is clear: every dollar spent will result in a remarkable return on investment. Can you afford the downtime to address ergonomic issues? Perhaps the better question is, "Can you afford not to?"
Increase in productivity
Decrease in absenteeism
Reduced employee turnover
Fewer Worker's
Comp Claims
More engaged workforce
Improved employee satisfaction
Increased revenue
Our ergonomic consulting services are broken down into two phases. The first phase is billed at a rate of $150 per hour. It will involve a comprehensive ergonomics assessment of your company to identify problems that need to be addressed. We will then sit down with you to discuss the company's goals and priorities. A full report outlining the ergonomic changes we feel are necessary to achieve those goals, including a cost analysis, will then be provided. Finally, we will work together to develop a custom ergonomics program designed to meet your exact needs. By the end of the first phase you will have a clear understanding of the ergonomic program, its benefits, and the cost associated with implementing the program.
The second phase is the implementation of the ergonomics program. This phase will be billed at a flat rate, which will agreed upon in phase one. The flat rate will cover all consulting fees and services until the ergonomics program is fully implemented. It will also include quarterly follow-ups for one year and a year-end program analysis.
The costs associated with an ergonomics program will vary greatly depending on the size of your company and the scope of the program. We will be happy to discuss your company's needs and give you a gross estimate free of charge.
If you have questions about our services, or the benefits of good workplace ergonomics, please don't hesitate to contact us. You can email us here, or call 859-271-1092